Domain / IP Whois Displays owner/contact information for a domain name or IP address. Can also be used to determine if a domain name is registered or not. Need to lookup a large number of domains?
This is not difficult with our IP Whois who may act as both Domain Lookup as well as IP Lookup depend on what you are looking for, IP address or Domain name. Our Whois Domain tool will let you know who owns or administrates certain domain names. Therefore, you will need to enter the domain name (better of the second level:,, etc.) and enjoy the result. With our Whois Domain tool you will always know what hides behind the mysterious domain names.
The information is stored into different databases. This lookup tool will query the right database and present the whois information in realtime. Just type a domain name, an IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) or an AS number and click the Go button. When you register a domain name, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers requires your domain name registrar to submit your personal contact information to the WHOIS database. Once your listing appears in this online domain WHOIS directory, it is publicly available to anyone who chooses to check domain names using the WHOIS search tool.
Network administrators use the WHOIS lookup to identify and fix problems. For instance, WHOIS information can be used to check domain name availability, identify trademark infringement, and keep domain name registrants accountable. WHOIS History. Search domains whois history with help of our tools. See who owned the domains before you and what has changed. View whois » Domain "who is" results include name of domain registrar, domain registrant details, administrative, and domain billing details as shown by the domain's registrar whois server. You can get an idea that who owns the domain name you want to register.
The tool lets you lookup info in ALL WHOIS databases for ALL hostnames, domains, TLDs, web sites, IDNs, IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6), IP network
Type in the desired domain, IP address or hostname and click "Check". WHOIS Lookup lets external cybersecurity consultants, including managed detection and response (MDR) firms quickly check for unknown domain names and IP addresses entering their clients’ networks.
Notera att en A-pekare bara kan peka mot en IP-adress, men däremot kan flera Domain Name System som DNS står för, är ett system som "översätter" de olika WHOIS är ett protokoll som används till att sända förfrågningar till databaser
On Demand Domain Data Get all the data you need about a domain and everything associated with that domain anytime with a single search. WHOIS IP lookup using the WHOIS command. The WHOIS command² is one of the most traditional ways to perform a WHOIS IP lookup.
Whois protocol. WHOIS ("Who is") is a protocol on the internet that can be used to find out the registered user of a domain or IP address. On a Unix/Linux based computer, the 'whois' command can be used to query the database for a specific domain name or IP address. You can do the same online with this tool. IP whois: : Domain whois: IP search: 192, 192.168, 192.168.1 : Domain search: ip, info, network
We give you direct links to the Reverse IP tools of (all domain names hosted on the same IP - can help you find the real owner in case of Whois privacy) We give you direct links to the Reverse NS tools of (all domain names using the same Name Servers - can help find the real owner if Whois privacy is active)
Your website hosting IP address and host name will also be listed. ner
Real information of the IP user/owner is usually available in case it's a dedicated IP purchased for websites. You can also do a whois domain lookup and get domain registration info. IP WHOIS Information finder.
IP WHOIS lookup doesn't guarantee the information of end user of that IP. It usually provides details of the registrar/service provider. Real information of the IP user/owner is usually available in case it's a dedicated IP purchased for websites. You can also do a whois domain lookup and get domain registration info. IP WHOIS Information finder.
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Mar 16, 2013 Deep Whois lookup (who is search) IP address, domain, web, net, name, IPv6 [on iPhone, iPad and iOS]. 8,096 views8K views. • Mar 16, 2013.
Research domain names with's extensive Whois lookup tools. Domain "who is" results include name of domain registrar, domain registrant details, administrative, and domain billing details as shown by the domain's registrar whois server. You can get an idea that who owns the domain name you want to register.
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av M Eklund · 2015 — infrastruktur angående områdena DNS (Domain Name System) och Figur 16 Exempel på uppslagning av en IP-adress med whois.
Många andra Webbhotell visar din information helt Med LoopiaWHOIS kan du läsa de publika uppgifterna för ett domännamn.